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"I love this product! I have a 6 month old Weimaraner who is very active and gets dirty and sweaty all of the time. I can't give a bath more than once a month or it dries his skin out very bad. I started using a pet store's own brand of wipes but he still would have the typical dog smell. I recently tried Petkin Wipes and they are amazing! I can tell that they are getting the dirt out of his fur because he is soft just like when he gets a bath. I use them on him once a day before bed and my house doesn't smell like dog anymore! Its perfect for between baths. Thank you so much for making a product that actually works! A grateful customer, Tiffany."

- Tiffany, from Alabama

"Hey guys! Just wanted to reach out and thank you so much for your Itchstick product. My American bulldog has had a problem licking his big old paws since he was a puppy and it's always driven me nuts. When a friend told me that your Itchstick could help cure that issue, I immediately came to the site and bought one...and voila! It did the trick! The minute I heard him licking away, I just applied the product to his paws like deodorant and as soon he tasted it, he stopped immediately. Thank you so much for your great product and I definitely plan on telling my own friends!"

- Kim, from Ithaca, NY

"Your Pet Wipes are AMAZING. I have a 6 month old corgi who loves to take car rides, but is always tracking her muddy paws everywhere, no matter how many times I wipe them with a towel. After she nearly ruined the microsuede seats in my car, I decided to find some sort of product to wipe her paws completely clean before she gets in. After some research, I found your Pet Wipes and have never looked back! They're perfect for getting into the cracks of her paws and perfect to keep in the backseat of the car. Plus, they're cheap! Thanks for helping fix my problem! Harley definitely owes you big!"

- Jackie, from Orlando, FL

"Thank you for making my house smell normal again! I don't have a basement, so I keep my cat's litter box inside by my back door. I really try to keep it clean as often as possible, but nothing had really been working. Then, last month, I purchased your Litter Box Wipes on the internet and have been odor-free ever since! The area smells so much better and I'm cleaning half as often. These made such a huge difference and I really appreciate it! Thanks again!"

- Carl, from Fountain Hills, AZ

"Thanks for your help in establishing a new password for my account. I am just a beginner in using a computer. I have experienced the same problem on a few other websites. Also, thanks for checking the status of my order for me. I have used your wipes for a some time now and love how they are easy to use and keeps the odor in check!! I have five cats, three boys and two girls, and eliminating odors is a big deal!! I have bought your product up until now from Petsmart, but they are no longer carrying your wipes here in Iowa. I really appreciate your assistance!!"

- Shari, from Roland, IA